6 Simple Ways for Happiness at Work


Have you ever heard that happiness cannot be found but it has to be created ? I simply believe so too. We can’t just wait for the rainbow after the rain. We should enjoy whatever season we are in. On another words, we should not wait to be happy only on the weekend or holidays. If weekends are gold, let’s make weekdays silver. So here we are, I would like to share 6 ways we can have simple happiness at workplace. With these little things, I hope you can enjoy working life a little bit more.

1. Crave out a private moment to do a focus job. Sometimes things start getting out of control and I know it is time to isolate myself to finish my presentation or any work that need concentration. Find an available small meeting room or a private corner. This is like a mini oasis. If you work in an open office, you know what I mean.

2. Create top 3 things to accomplish today and check them off. This always make me feel great at the end of the day. The top 3 tasks can be anything, big task or small task, mix it up. Just make sure that they are not too big to be done within a day or too small that you do not really care if it gets done.

3. Have nice and pretty lunch. Be productive in the morning and have a nice lunch time as a reward. For me, having healthy food will enhance the satisfaction. This can be a brought home meal too but with getting out of the desk will do the different. I love eating in the garden looking at trees… sigh….

4. Clean up the desk. Looking at all the paper lying around is believe me so stressful. I have a vey small desk at work and I almost take it for granted that it has to be messy during the day but…. it does not. With a little clean up between switching work, it will make your mind much brighter. Some stationaries are designed to save up space like the B5 3M memo board or the sleek Muji pencil holder. In summary, to clear your desk is to clear your mind.

5. Sip delectable tea at 3PM. I think there is a wise reason that 3PM is a tea time. By that time, we tend to be sleepy and tired and ready to go home. You can bring your good tea from home and stock it for this exact time. My favorites are green tea ranging from matcha, sencha, genmai, Twining fruit tea (for non-caffiene)and the precious Mariage Freres Lavender tea I have got from France. Now you have a reason to get up. Prepare a cup of tea, sip it, rest your eye a bit, talk (maybe laugh) with your collegue and then you will be ready to do the last task and wrap up the day.

6. Last but not least, write gratitude note at the begining of the day. You might know the power of gratitude already and now it’s time to try. I notice that during months that I write gratitude notes everyday, my mood seem to be better in average. I mean less of madness or worriness. My co-worker also notice that. So just give it a try, let’s say 30 days challenge of gratitude note writing. At the end, you will see the different.

I hope one or two of my happiness tips can fit in your schedule. Have a wonderful weekdays 😉

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